Posiciones en el mundo real (Spanish edition, 1999)
With texts by Alexander Alberro, Benjamin Buchloh, Silvia Eiblmayr, Jodi Hauptman, Annette Michelson, Martha Rosler, & Catherine de Zegher
Barcelona: Actar
ISBN: 9788495273222
304 pages
Retrospective of the work of M. Rosler (photography, installations, performances, video) in which she analyzes myths and realities of a patriarchal culture.
Through the diversity of her work — photography, installations, performances, video, essay, or fiction — Martha Rosler crafts a series of incisive analyses of the myths and realities of a patriarchal culture. Expressed with unabashed irony, Rosler's work investigates the socioeconomic realities and political ideologies that dominate our daily lives. Presenting insightful critical analyzes in accessible form, her inquiries are didactic if not exhortative.