1993 Monográfico de Martha Rosler. In the series “Políticas de Género.” Institut Valencià de la Dona. Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Cultura, Educacio i Ciència
1993 An Empty Space in Ottensen: Contaminated by History, Capital, and Asbestos. In the project Stadtfahrt (City Tour), Hamburg. Organized by Sabine Siegfried and Eva Bothe
1994 In the Place of the Public. Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati
1998 In the Place of the Public. Frankfurt Airport, sponsored by the airport and Museum für Moderne Kunst
1998-2000 Positions in the Life World/ Positionen in der Lebenswelt/ Posiciones en el mundo réal. Retrospective exhibition
Shown in (1998-99): Ikon Gallery, Birmingham; (1999): Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne; Positionen in der Lebenswelt, Generali Foundation, Vienna; Positiones en el Mundo Real. Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA); (2000): Nederlands Foto Instituut. Rotterdam (in conjunction with the Rotterdam Foto Biennale); The New Museum, New York, and The Institute of Contemporary Photography, New York
2000 Stuttgart Film Winter. Video and film retrospective
2002 Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris. Curated by by Elvan Zabunyan
2005 If Not Now, When? Sprengel Museum, Han(n)over. In conjunction with the Spectrum International Prize in Photography. Traveling to NGBK, Berlin
If Not Now, When? NGBK at Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin. Berlin Photography Festival. Adapted from the Spectrum Photo Prize exhibition at the Sprengel Museum
2007 Focus: Martha Rosler. 12th International Biennial of the Moving Image, Geneva
Virtual Minefield. Location One, New York. Sound and video installation
2008 Location location location! Portikus, Frankfurt
Martha Rosler. Langhans Galerie, Prague
2000 Martha Rosler: La casa, la calle, la cocina. Centro José Guerrero, Granad
2010 Martha Rosler: Point and Shoot. Stedelijk Galerie s’Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
2012 Cuba, January 1981. Mitchell Innes and Nash, New York. Solo photographic exhibition
2015 Tristes Armas / Woeful Weapons: Josep Renau and Martha Rosler. Institut Valencià d’Art Modern- IVAM, Valencia. Curated by Juan Vicente Aliaga
Martha Rosler: Below the Surface. Seattle Art Museum. Curated by Catharina Manchanda
2016 Bringing the War Home. From the collection. Art Institute of Chicago
2017 MACBA Collection. Martha Rosler: God Bless America! Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA), Barcelona. Curated by Tanya Barson. Exhibition of Rosler videos
Martha Rosler, 1981 (el año en el que el futuro comenzó) / (The Year the Future Began). AngelsBarcelona gallery, Barcelona; traveled to Galerie Nagel-Draxler, Cologne / Köln
Martha Rosler: House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home. MAMCO, Geneva
2018 Martha Rosler and Hito Steyerl: War Games (two-person show), Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Kunstmuseum Basel
Martha Rosler: Irrespective, Jewish Museum
2019 martha rosler. an american in the 21st century. Galleria Raffaella Cortese, Milan
Puede que esta vez sea diferente. Museo de la Inmigración, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (MUNTREF), Buenos Aires
Si tú vivieras aqui. Museo Arte Contemporanea, Santiago
Passionate Signals, Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society, Chicago
2020 Martha Rosler: ¿Cómo llegamos allí desde aquí? Es Baluard, Mallorca, Spain